Explore careers by skills and knowledge

Job Bank is preparing for the decommissioning of the Skills and Knowledge Checklist.


For more information or to report a concern, please complete this form. To continue exploring jobs and career options that fit your profile, you can use Career Quizzes and look at Job Profiles to discover the skills and knowledge required for each occupation.

Explore jobs or career options that match your skills and knowledge.

Use this checklist to explore jobs or career options that match your skills and knowledge.
For optimal results, select 15 to a maximum of 25 items.

Error: You must select at least one of the options below in order to receive results.


Handling Goods and Materials Help - Handling Goods and Materials
Building Help - Building
Operating and Repairing Equipment, Machinery and Vehicles Help - Operating and Repairing Equipment, Machinery and Vehicles
Working with Technological Equipment and Machinery Help - Working with Technological Equipment and Machinery
Service and Care Help - Service and Care
Communication Help - Communication
Creative Expression Help - Creative Expression
Information Handling Help - Information Handling
Analysis Help - Analysis
Management Help - Management


Manufacturing and Production Help - Manufacturing and Production
Communications and Transportation Help - Communications and Transportation
Law and Public Safety Help - Law and Public Safety
Social Sciences and Arts Help - Social Sciences and Arts
Education and Training Help - Education and Training
Health Services Help - Health Services
Mathematics and Science Help - Mathematics and Science
Engineering and Technology Help - Engineering and Technology
Business, Finance and Management Help - Business, Finance and Management
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