Posted on
December 04, 2024
by Employer detailsGovernment of Saskatchewan
Job details
Saskatchewan Parks is seeking a highly-motivated and flexible team player for the position of Labour Service Park Interpreter based at Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park. As a Park Interpreter, you will require knowledge of Saskatchewan's natural and cultural heritage in order to develop and deliver engaging, informative and interactive nature and recreational programs that make visitors aware of our province's unique biological and cultural diversity. In order to be successful in this position, you will be required to exhibit sound judgement when interacting with clients and co-workers. In addition, you will be responsible for creating seasonal reports, promotional materials and other documents.
The median wage is the salary of a given occupation where half the workers earn more than that amount, and half earn less. This information is presented on job postings to help job seekers determine how the salary compares to the amount earned by other workers working the same job. Job Bank preferred indicating the median wage, which is less affected by extremely high or low wages, rather than the average wage which is calculated by adding up all the salaries of a group of people and then dividing that total by the number of people.