Posted on
December 05, 2024
by Employer detailsTextile City
Job details
Textile City Inc is well renowned company providing home textile products from more than 30 years.
We are looking for Home Textile Outside Sales Representative for Canada and US markets.
As salesperson you will be on the front line of the most dynamic linens distributor/ manufacturer. You will interact with all type of customers. This is great opportunity for those who want to incorporate their practical sales skills to the Top of the bed, draperies, sheets and towels.
Job Type: Full-time
Pay: $40,000.00-$100,000.00 per year
Work Location: In person
The median wage is the salary of a given occupation where half the workers earn more than that amount, and half earn less. This information is presented on job postings to help job seekers determine how the salary compares to the amount earned by other workers working the same job. Job Bank preferred indicating the median wage, which is less affected by extremely high or low wages, rather than the average wage which is calculated by adding up all the salaries of a group of people and then dividing that total by the number of people.